Paul, could you add a trac ticket for this? Do you know if it's specific to that folder or does it happen with any directory if you put the slash on the end?

Seems a small patch to strip slashes off that URL in processing would be in order.

On Dec 6, 2008, at 4:27 PM, Paul Robinson wrote:

Thank you soooo much Patrick that fixed the problem.

2008/12/6 Patrick D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had a friend with this problem and the fix was ridiculously simple. Make sure under Settings --> Miscellaneous you have 'wp-content/uploads' exactly in the Store Uploads In This Folder setting. No extra slashes or anything. Hers had an extra slash on the end and wouldn't upload anything. Try that.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Paul Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was wondering if someone could help me with a odd problem. When uploading
a image to one of my WP installations it complains that the folder
/uploads/2008/12 is not writeable. I have checked with my fileserver & it is writeable. I have even checked using the is_writable(); command in a blank PHP file. I am running 2.7RC1-10073 along with two other blogs on the same server execpt they both work great with no problems. Anyone have any ideas
why this one is having such problems?
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