Was preparing the plugin authors email announcement and thought I should post it here too. It's all old news for most people on the lists, but anyways:

1. The admin UI style was updated. This is mostly a visual update so if your plugin uses the default admin CSS styles on its settings page, it will inherit all seamlessly.

2. The "Favorites" menu (top/right on all admin pages) was removed completely.

3. jQuery was updated to version 1.6.1 and jQuery UI was updated to 1.8.12 (latest versions available at the moment). We encourage all authors of plugins that use jQuery to test them in a latest trunk version of WordPress as there are a couple of changes that may affect many plugins:

- jQuery 1.5.0 and newer no longer allows selectors of the form [property=value]. These selectors now require quotes: [property="value"]. See https://wpdevel.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/just-a-heads-up-wp-trunk-uses-jquery/

- jQuery 1.6.0 and newer introduces another method: .prop() that replaces many .attr() calls. This was (partially) reverted in jQuery 1.6.1 but we still found a place were we needed to switch from .attr() to .prop() in order for the script to work properly. Also using .prop() is a lot faster.

Please note that jQuery 1.6.1 came out the day after WordPress 3.2-beta was released so it's not included in the downloadable package. To test with jQuery 1.6.1 you will need to update your 3.2-beta installation to trunk.

4. WordPress 3.2 has new minimal requirements: PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.15. Most of the PHP 4 compat code was removed except for a few class constructors since many plugins seem to call them directly. If your plugin uses any of the WordPress PHP classes, please test that it calls them properly.
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