Hello list,

below is the correspondence with Rainer Meier which I had over this
issue, which I accidentally did not Cc to the list.



Andreas Heinlein wrote:

> > Hello,
> > 
> > has anyone here found a suitable check command for OpenOffice 3
> > extensions? I am using the install commands from the Wiki (using unopkg
> > --shared), but the extensions end up in
> > 
> > %ProgramFiles%\OpenOffice.org
> > 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\<foobar>.tmp\<extension_name>
> > 
> > which is hard to check because of the randomly named <foobar>.tmp
> > subfolder. I don't think that the check commands support wildcards, right?

I don't think wildcards will work here but probably 'unopkg' can be used to
query extensions.

Actually I quickly checked and 'unopkg' supports the 'list' command. So using an
execute-style check which points to a cmd script might help.

A line like the following might work.

unopkg list | findstr <extension string>

Andreas Heinlein wrote:

> > Which version of WPKG are you referring to? We are still using 1.0 which
> > does not support any kind of execute-style checks. If 1.1 does that
> > would be one more reason to upgrade, which I have not found the time to
> > do so yet.
I am referring to WPKG 1.1.1 or newer if not specified otherwise. Well,
due to the fact that WPKG 1.1 is fully backwards compatible by
definition it should be easy for you to upgrade. In theory it's just
replacing the wpkg.js file - if this does not work for you then let me
know because then it's most probably a bug. br, Rainer

Andreas Heinlein wrote:

>> The point is that WPKGWeb does not seem to support such new features, or
>> is it able to detect the WPKG version? I really doubt, since WPKGWeb is
>> more than 2 years old. I have posted another question regarding
>> WPKGExpress, if that would work with WPKG 1.1.1 and migration of the
>> database would be possible, I'd give it a try.
> This is true. WPKG-Web does not support execute style checks and as it is not
> maintained any more it's unlikely to support it in the near future.
> I am currently using WPKG-Web too but to migrate is quite easy. WPKG-Web 
> allows
> you to export either a complete packages.xml or individual XML files to be
> placed in packages/.
> Migrating to WPKGExpress later (when it's stable) should be easy too as it
> supports importing XML files.
> So migration of the database is not needed at all. Just export your packages,
> hosts and profiles from WPKG-web to XML files, install WPKGexpress and 
> re-import
> in WPKGexpress.
> btw. Please respond to the list too. This might help others fixing the same 
> issues.
> br,
> Rainer

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