Am 18.10.2012 12:48, schrieb Daniel Berteaud:
Hi everyone.

I'd like to know if there's a possibility to make a conditional
dependency on package. Here's my problem:

- I deploy JRE 7 on most of my computers, in a package called jre
- A few computers need to run apps which requires version 6 of the JRE,
so I created a package called jre6 and assigne the correct JRE in
profile assignation (up to now, there's no problem)

- Now, I want to deploy freemind (a mind mapping software), which can
run with either jre 7 or jre 6, but I don't know how to define it.

I'd need something like:

<depends check="logical" condition="or">
     <package-id="jre" />
     <package-id="jre6" />

Is there a way to make something like this ?

Regards, Daniel

I have a common package called Java, which gets added to all systems or included as a dependency.

The package is then including the correct java runtime engine based on conditions.

'---code start (watch for line wraps)

<package id="Java" name="Java" revision="2011.10.22" reboot="false" priority="10" execute="once">
    <include package-id="JRE6" os="5\.0\.\d{4}"/>
    <include package-id="JRE7">
            <check type="logical" condition="not">
                <check type="host" condition="os" value="5\.0\.\d{4}"/>

'---code end

Stefan P.

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