Click here: The Assassinated Press

DeLay Denounces Report of Payoffs to His Family:
Claims Liberal Tactics of Reporting the Truth Constitute Unfair Practices:
Republicans Call for New Investigation of Jim Wright:
Cheney Gives DeLay 'Vote of Confidence' as Karl Rove Greases the Skids Under Delay's Ass:
Bush Calls on All Americans to Respect Family Values:


They hang the man and flog the woman
That steal the goose from off the common,
But let the greater villain loose
That steals the common from the goose.

" a time when I am speaking to you about the paradox of desire -- in the
sense that different goods obscure it -- you can hear outside the awful language
of power.  There's no point in asking whether they are sincere or hypocritical,
whether they want peace of whether they calculate the risks.  The dominating
impression as such a moment is that something that may pass for a prescribed
good; information addresses and captures impotent crowds to whom it is poured
forth like a liquor that leaves them dazed as they move toward the slaughter house. 
One might even ask if one would allow the cataclysm to occur without first giving
free reign to this hubbub of voices...."

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