Rabelais, yes?
I guess, confess to Pantagruel,
I know the difference, you'll
forgive me, I'm a mess...


On Sun, 8 May 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


(((((((O! the tabloid moon's piety,
"YOU'D opt out of an octopus" (YES,
tense, without admitting
tinnitus roams my halo's glow & hiss)
a supple avacado kitten
admonishes thee, for society,
from his shit-bastard Pearch,
all "round the twist," 'n'
"left in the lurch"
& "sobriety," AND IN ADDITIONALLY, pah, coattail
gravy Stilt  lode coattail  Mosley rumple
clump pip  holy chimney  red damp
deep sis   Moccha kiss   sluice writ

It Tolls Strand
It Tolls Tendril
It Tolls Ringlet
It Tolls Tender
Public House Crlaw
___    _  _   __  _    __  __   ___
/ _.\  / \/ \ | _|| |  | _||  | / _ \
| |_| |/ /\/\ \| _|| |_ | _| || | |_| |
|_|-|_||_|  |_||__||___||__||__||_|-|_|
__   ___   ____   _   _  __   ___
| _| / _ \ |    ) | |_| || _| / _ \
| _|| |_| || () / | .-. || _|| |_| |
|__||_|-|_||_|\_\ |_| |_||__||_|-|_|

aqua sausage      &         grief ink    &  hymn furniture
relax wept            &     candle Felt &   ballerina's clumsie
hankie splinter     &       leaf beast   &  hob squib
lissom sewer          &     glide pyscho  & cookie ray
organisation utter      &   dolor card    & tense without
cranberry Central Casting & slippy fold  &  hewn cleric
flop griddle              & pews slither &  bangers tie
twist lurch               & tea AriaT     & bodice binderbroth<In General,
the Movement of donor Organs fol&Lows meaning Routes of Capital : from Southern
to Northern Bodies, from poor to rich Bodies, from black and brown to white
Bodies, from young to old Bodies, productive to less productive, and Female to
Male Bodies.

i glis yr nif oldd prumphlecko harder
gsm per pinderbroth
I'm six, punching in to
abuse - whaddja mean, no jobs for
tykes?  scroll saw accident victims use
pygmy marmosets to hitchhike!*  cripes,
withergirls sung

its signal, const-
antly remind it on the four bullets
of Christian business practice.  each
earjewel is one.  classless lessons,
each from a moth teste slung:
(1) shh.  (2) release harnesses.  (3) oh Hell,
(3b) casserole or hastelessness, either
pass the cass or feast in has-beings, why
not forget about the strap-on sense
of dick for just one fuck?  then,
slashes releasing shining cholesterol,

   I was sloshed, your hounor, you
proverbally wouldn't understand.  kind monopoly, lattice,
find 'hammered' by that lens bloody.
_| |_           _____
|_   _|         |_____|

1 PROS           1 CONS

the the  subdued,
impetuous,     aorta thr)oats not
petite, blonde for efful)gent, leaf keen, bloom air, the the lulling
the  the  filth of mist )
into oh hoarder Not frothed
luminous slapping here.))
_| |_           _____
|_   _|         |_____|

1 lipstick       1 broom

2 goods tinned   2 slipped in th-
3 for Taiwan     3 e ying ying

* nay.

Q: cosa signifcava "mul)tum in parvo"?
A: certe volte gli amici prendevano in giro August/Sam perché
durante il lavoro si quell lieve zoppicare quasi non si vedeva.

--- page break ---

P.S. 09/05/05:
Pharaohs curtsey
Soft scut,
Curt to a fault,
Gaudy aches,
Solitary folly

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