Well, yes, LQ, your point definitely has been taken into consideration prior to the conceptualization of the work. Like it or not, I think we all have learned to live with the fact that there will never be a pure, unmediated representation of this – or any -- image available for re-representing, except in one’s head perhaps, should one be fortunate enough to see the painting in person and be capable making of such complex calculations as I have done without aid of a computer. Naturally, I consider the work only a rough study in relation to its source, not a perfect match, in a world where perfection is not only not possible, and not only not sought after, but its opposite actually incorporated as part of the process and allowed to maintain itself as long as it is kept under control, like a bacterium within the body. The marriage of signal and noise? Okay, I can live with that, however one-sided and hastily arranged the marriage may be. Besides, what alternative are you proposing? That I wait for Godot to bless me with an idealized vision of the whole? Not me.

And Thanks, Joel, I thought of Warhol too!


On Aug 2, 2005, at 6:53 PM, Lanny Quarles wrote:

but you're not really working from the matisse at all,
but from a re-presentation ala instrumental transduction
aka digitization.. so is this little unsaid level of detail
important as irony or hoax or?


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