Thanks. I don't know Gimp, but I will check it out. I currently use Matlab for this kind of stuff, which enables me to apply the same procedures to Images, Sounds, Texts, Movies, etc. This opens up more syncretic possibilities for me than would a mere image-manipulation program like PS. If I like how an effect works on an image in Matlab, I can have the same thing working on a sound with only a minimal amount of editing to the program. Moreover, I can create as many of my own set of variables and control points as I wish. Mathematica operates in a similar fashion to this, of course, but I lost my license with them and can't afford to renew, so it's hasta la vista, Senor Wolfram!


On Aug 14, 2005, at 10:47 AM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

All of these are quite beautiful. Have you looked at glass tiling filters in (I think) Photoshop and Gimp? They do very similar things. I know in Gimp, at least the older versions, you could write mathematical filters directly and/or modify the mathematics of already-written filters. You might be interested in that - Alan

On Sun, 14 Aug 2005, mwp wrote:

Not to try anybody’s patience, but here’s two more images to add to the corpus:


On Aug 13, 2005, at 8:08 PM, mwp wrote:

PixelDust 2005
After Seraut
Fragmenting an image, then concatenating the offset fragments in the XY
123 234 345 etc.
3 different levels of precision depicted below, with partial blowups of the 2nd and 3rd to see the details that are too fine to reproduce in a
web-posted image. (Size reduction is 10:1.)
Example 1 PixelDust02a2005.jpg
Example 2 PixelDust02b2005.jpg
Blowup (Ex. 2) PixelDust02bx2005.jpg
Example 3 PixelDust02c2005.jpg
Blowup (Ex. 3) PixelDust02cx2005.jpg

( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see -
revised 7/05 )

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