No great ideas or theories behind this movie; it's more what I would
call a string of personal wows.

I taped this today over the course of 30 minutes in a heightened state
of irrational exuberance (-- as if exuberance were anything but!). The
footage was shot on a wallet-sized DCR-PC1 miniDV videocam, which I
bought yesterday from somebody for $50. It's the first time I've ever
used one of these tiny cameras, and I'm loving it!

The footage is pretty much whatever presented itself to me as I was
walking around the city this afternoon to and from various
destinations. I made two edits to remove two short bad shots, but other
than that, it is wholly edited within the camera.

Obviously this is more about the spirit of the thing than about making
a finished work of art. I hope it is enjoyable, nonetheless.

Sped up 400%, to spare viewers the tedium of real-time
2 min, silent, 3.2MB


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