infinite meaning may turn out
to be nothing less
than an abyss of
meaning and
the serpent I have used this
procedure most consistently
and more skillfully than
any other poet in english
lay festering the multiplication
of viewpoints and
go no further than physiognomy
the superficial or explicit
theme of my poem
is not the real
physiognomy a tension
between surface blandness
and infinite meaning redundant
in this respect is how images are

"like a forest vine"
"like a fool"
"Green as a bough"

and rejects this aspiration
a demon of growth
an anatomy of nonsense
muling quiet in the river plain

"ageless as a toadstool"
"more detailed than wool"
"intimately absolute"

infinite meaning may turn out
to be nothing less
than an abyss of
axial filaments
that cause a twisting motion

a cystic form of knighthood

green metal antlers furred
in wan young flagella

the random portal of you

to the Kopalnia Soli
of Bochnia
the superficial or explicit
theme of my poem
is not the real
but the Urreal
the serpent I have used this
procedure most consistently
and more skillfully than
any other poet in english
lay festering in the multiplication
of viewpoints and
go no further than physiognomy

a physiognomy
of poetic substance

a nameless
eternal liquor


Patterns in quasicrystals

Will you stare at blue color?
I began at Cosmic Squire.

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