Hey Steve, nice to see you're a fan of Scriabin, one of my favorite composers, especially for the piano.  His music for the solo piano has always seemed more interesting and moving to me than that of Rachmaninoff, whom everyone loves.  Of course, R's cello & piano sonata is incomparable.  Still, over all, I think Scriabin comes out the winner if there is such a thing as competition between dead composers, which I doubt.

scr i a bin ( the black mass)
- we put our hands to these dead
we are born not of the buried but of these unburied dead
- Charles Olson Le Preface

these dead/ they walk again within us
slow poems
lyrical etudes
dramatic re-awaken//ings
repeated stones falling from
it is this light
that allows us to be born
dead things
in a time of war
a time when there was never
this to play
there has never been such a time
(as this)
i fool you into believing
hold flame in
take this key
find the treasure if you can
put it in your pocket &
it is gold that tells a story
tho it may not be an interesting one
to tell.
there is little space left
here &
steve dalachinsky nyc 1:10 am - 1:20 am 7/7/04

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