I don't know, I mean, I've spent years collecting good band names, and to give them away freely, well ...


i reat seed tener and, wity up mit this that whis fre fairly skilly
jusefuld up mes wit is wough that and me thm i need wit's beforeat
the wit the yould name cur afte to devenot mest the banyough orying lecause
thas fork foric afte gendba

your new band's name is:  BANYOUGH

Which, pronounced in Spanish-speaking countries, might mean "Bathroom"

I think.


chris wrote:
i had an idea for a "band name generator".  one that is specifically
geared to come up with one that i would like, but also probably generally
useful for anyone trying to come up with an interesting unused band name,
which a cursory search of almost any even not so common thing you would
want to name your band after would show.  so i propose that someone with
Perl skills or any other text processing language help me create this
fairly simple framework for generating potential band names that are
"random" enough to not fit already common phrases, etc.  the algorithm
inherently limits the chance that it has been used before.

i am thinking about this because i need a new band name BADLY and SOON.

anyone who develops this with me can take the lead credit for whatever
public availablity we might make for bands that want to use it, because
i really just need the NAME, and SOON, heh.

you're also free to send me good band names that you will never end up
using and would like to see put to good use.

it's kind of electro/spacey/experimental but atmospheric/organic also.

let the names begin.

thanks y'all

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