You missed JIm Pomeroy's
Newt ascending Astair's face!
It was an early Amiga animation he used in some of his performances.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lucio Agra
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: sexuality in performance and video

given the fact that the initial post was about "sexuality - in this case related to nudity - and performance, I only mentioned the Nude descending staircase for it always seemed for me that it put the body in a forwarded moving position (stages of mouvement, chronophotography as inspiration etc) which was absent in previous conceptions of nudity in art...
kind of "walking as art"...
Lucio BR

On 9/21/06, D^Vid D^Vizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
lest she be clothed, Steve... ;),

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> of nudity well predates duchamp who used it sparingly  while desecnding
> the staricase yes that corbet
> is magnificent  now hangs proudly in the orsay
> rodin's  nude drawings  are the epitome  of sex
> belmer for 20th century
> nudes  nuthin sexier than the naked  maja


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