Leet or 1337 is a often described as a "corruption" of written text. The 
practice of "leetspeak" or "13375p34k" emerged in BBS's, listservs, and MOOs, 
and is characterized by replacement of alphabetic characters by similar 
appearing numerals, but may also involved other replacements or radical 
abbreviations. Leet is not a strict one-to-one encoding. There is no standard 
for the practice of leet; rather, its diversity varies with the protocols and 
group cultures of online writing environments where it appears. The f/ph 
replacement in "fone phreaks" is early leet, as is the s/z replacement in 
"warez." The character "a" can become "@" or "4." Either substitution is based 
on optical recognition of characters and transposition in terms of visual 
similarity. Leet is character encoding for eyes that see and a body that 
experiences. Leet is read for the visual glyph, but also read *through* the 
glyph to the virtual or invisible *intentional* character suspended behind it. 
Every glyp!
 h or graphematic unit is read by rules of encoding and substitution but also 
through the phenomenology of address, where the glyph is meant for the reader. 
The illegible carries the legible within it.

The phenomenology of leet is specific to consensual domains. Leet as 
abbreviation allows for speed and efficiency in communication. The reduction or 
simplification of messages is possible within the framework of a writing 
environment such as a listserv or chatroom, in terms of group norms and 
assumptions. In fact, simplificiationis a function of this framework, and the 
speed gained is only possible by the accumulation and implication of group 
knowledge in the environment. As a derivation of the word "elite," leet 
presupposes identification with a particular habitus and shared cultural 
capital. The leet writer is part of a group and identifies with that group in 
the very act of reading and writing leet. As elite, leet references a sociology 
of hackers and users, of those "in the know." To read leet is to recognize 
inclusion in this habitus.

The cost of recognition, however, is enforcement of the protocological 
constraints laminated on every string of leet. A common use of leet is for 
undesirable or illegal communication in monitored or censored environments. 
Leet allows participants in online gaming to swear without being kicked out by 
monitoring software. A leet formulation such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ can slip by 
email content filters. Similarly, wares or cracked software becomes "W4R3Z" and 
"porn" becomes "pr0n." Of course, some sort of filter could flag these terms 
using regular expressions, but leet as a practice of corruption means writing 
until there is no possibiility of detection and recovery. While a filter might 
flag four-letter words beginning with "p" and ending with “n” as a high 
probabilityt of being the word "porn," there is less chance of catching the 
expression "spl01tz" as leet for "exploits" or hacks. A related use of leet is 
obfuscation. In general, code obfuscation is a practice that makes computer 
 rams difficult to read and understand, typically by reducing any text-like 
formatting or by adding arbitrary formatting. The result compiles and runs on a 
machine but appears as an unintelligible mess to human eyes. The goal is to 
conceal information, whether from possible thefts and reverse engineering, or 
as a means of spamming. There is also a thriving practice of recreational or 
artistic code obfuscation, such as the Obfuscated PERL Contest and the 
International Obfuscated C Contest. Leet allows a basic form of obfuscation. 
For example, leet provides a quick means of generating passwords or user names 
as unintellgible strings. In online gaming, where administrators or higher 
level players can eject players with a simple "!kick username" command, the 
leet-generated username is a simple encryption, a hard to type and easily 

Leet is corrupted by the work of overlapping and collapsing digital domains. 
Leet is a palimpsest of intention and regulations condensed anagrammatically. 
In one direction, leet is formalized as it grows larger than specific 
communities and becomes a general dialect for net discourse. No longer elite, 
leet becomes a commercial parlance. Anyone can set their google search page to 
leetspeak: http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/. In the other direction, leet 
remains problematic. "Corrupted" texts implies a cleartext suited for the 
domain at hand, but clearly leet is a principle of generalized corruption. All 
text is already encrypted in relation to the interminable working of the net. 
Leet references the absent body. Its corruption is the internal processing and 
-jectivity of readers. This means that every character encoding and every 
string on the net is potentially leet. leet=1337=1111=0000


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