I just asked the guy at Language Hat for help as well.
He's super sharp.

Aw Jeez, you think its the By-laws for the Salvation Army?
naw, its gonna be a rare Burmese Nath Siddha text about Gorakh Nath's
cousin who lived inside an underground beehive for 200 years.

> Someone from another list is sending it to a specialist list. Maybe
> something will come from that.
> I keep having the feeling it's Onward, Christian Soldiers in Burmese...
> - Alan
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2006, Lanny Quarles wrote:
>> I don't think its Mon at this point. there aren't any closed loops
>> on the rounded characters which about half the Mon char. have.
>> I've checked the Mon character set, and while similiar, I can't find
>> any truly matching chars.
>> It almost appears to be a Burmese rendering of the Khmer or Tham script.
>> It seems certain to be one of the Brahmi based scripts, but
>> there are so many possibilities, I really don't know.
>> On the Pali text website, the text they call Burmese doesnt
>> have the Mon 'e loops' either, but it isnt quite like yours as well.
>> there may be a Burmese Pali script or a Burmese version of Sanskrit
>> whose character set is harder to find.
>> With a syllabic language like this whose characters are more or less
>> interchangeable, I could imagine there might be some odd syncretic
>> hybrids that only an expert would be able to recognize. it may
>> not be anything like that at all, but I just couldnt see any matches
>> except for a few base characters.
>> very puzzling. maybe i just didnt look at it long enough.
>> I'll try printing these out maybe so i can turn them around
>> in different directions easier.
>> I'm not sure - it's definitely not Himilayan (or from that region) -
>> Burmese with some sort of diacritical marks seems most likely, since
>> Pali also used the script (or a variant, I think Mon) - Alan
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