Amazon News
Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media.
Its publisher is Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian non-profit and public interest registered organization.

The news this week: 

Groups demand that Petrobras leave the drilling area in Ecuador - 09/27/2006

Kayabis suffer intimidation from hired gunmen
Diário de Cuiabá - 09/26/2006

Radio communication results in a low-cost, positive impact on the lives of inhabitants of Amazonia, according to study - 09/25/2006

"The people in power in Amapá believe they are above the law " - 09/23/2006

Alckmin defends construction of hydro power plants in Amazonia in government program - 09/22/2006

Ibama launches system to regulate use of biodiversity - 09/21/2006


Bishop Antonio Possamai delivers documents on the political scandal in Rondônia to José de Alencar
Rondônia Notícias - 09/21/2006


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"Amazon is not just a forest"

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