In the first engagement below, "mutagen" was generated straight away. The word "colonialist" was the 5th or sixth attempt to find the right... alchemy... even "ealorewtsie">>>> 'each lore weight see', generated immediately after it, isn't as good as "colonialist" given the context... of the show! Otherwise, wait and see. Here we go...

22:41 10/10/06 5648 bytes

historialae ~
          colonialist mutagen

(others generated from 'ealairotsih'>>>> ealorewtsie, oolowaetsnl, eoloordrid, eocoiratinl oolowaetsnl

BUT "colonialist mutagen" takes the cake... out of Speculum historialae written backwards... (I'm suggesting it could be the poor spelling!)

carrying on then.... (I did watch the show for almost an hour....)

relation ~
         naitiely vrortrat

Mellon ~
      rollers rollers           (hilarious!)

ingstad ~
       botjomi botjomi

vinland mawp ~                   (intentionally spelt with a 'w'
            sputum bratwu        and not the r' I intended, but
Polaron bnolwir only acknowledged after writing the ma... part
            param bnolwir
            Brimm fmalwn
            Polaron bnolwir

iron gall inke ~
              eseni ago sari

         ink ~
            sari airedale siortomo
            Zbi imcrtels siortomo
            Oni quartets eiolano

     hero ~
           oral dined guy
           oral dawd gnu

fischer ~
          rabnsd Mpg
          relief rkegi
          rabony rkegi

buddy ~
        fablarl 'eggs

Father Seuss ~
             scuff recent   Drugs redtop
             retol actor    zealot neolog
             noel rutty     trust creator
             rust redtop    union ratlog


I have myself been to L'Anse aux Meadows... Saw the Ingstad digs... and the 11th C Viking pin... The single pin... twenty years of research to find ONE pin!!!? But I did once meet a man who in this century, alone, piloted a 14 foot aluminum skiff with a 20 HP outboard from Alaska to nearly Seattle before he hit a rock and had to bury his dead dog at sea. I bought the boat. Story and all.

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