Free "Washington Icons" Teacher Workshop at the History Museum

Saturday, April 10, 2010

8 am to 12 pm


If you were to pick an icon (person, place, or thing) what would it be?
Join us for a special in-depth look at the "Icons of Washington History"
exhibit and discover the key moments in Washington's past. This workshop
features the new online curriculum module by the same name, and as a
huge added bonus, it's FREE. Free lunch!  Free clock hours!  Free
workshop!  Does it get any better than that in these tough economic


For teachers new to the state, new to teaching regional history, or
simply looking for a new look at a familiar subject, this half-day
workshop is a must-do. Participants will join our education staff on a
journey through Washington's past and present, looking at the people,
places, and objects that define our region.  This content-based workshop
will start out with a brief overview of Pacific Northwest history, then
we'll explore strategies for teaching with objects that you can use in
your classroom using the "Icons of Washington History" online module.


In addition, we'll provide loads of resources to help you book and
prepare for a museum visit as well as integrate Washington and Pacific
Northwest history in your classroom.  Whether you're a teacher,
librarian, principal, or homeschooling parent, this workshop is for you!


The workshop, museum visit, lunch and 3.5 clock hours are provided FREE
through the generous sponsorship of the Ben B. Cheney Foundation!  Don't
miss this great opportunity!


To register, email with your name, school and
number of participants (plus a contact email address) or call



Gwen Perkins

Education Specialist


1911 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98402



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