Hey Mike

If you grab a copy of opera it actually does some good stuff with these
<link> tags - you get a "site navigation" bar under the location bar with
words like "home", "help", "index", "search", etc... I guess if there was
better browser support you'd find a lot more people going for this sort of

Why not just put a "home" on the page... well at the moment you have to
again because of browser support. But if all browsers implemented this in a
consistent fashion I think the benefit to users would be huge. Pretty much
all apps that run on windows have a set of menus at the top - file, edit,
view, tools, window, help, etc.. the ordering is very consistent that so are
the options (you always know file will have things like new, open, save and
exit). If this could be carried over to the web I think it would help users
work out a fair bit.



Mark Stanton
Technical Director
Gruden Pty Ltd
Tel: 9956 6388
Mob: 0410 458 201
Fax: 9956 8433

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