rereading that it may not be clear, if you want to style the button in the label you could do something like this...

label.submitbuttons input
  rule : value;

wonder if just

.submitbuttons input

would work?

James Ellis wrote:

Not really, there is no class on the submit, it's a class on the surrounding block.. a label in this example. Better to use a class as their may be more than one submit/reset on the page.

<label class="submitbuttons" for="..." ...><input type="submit"... /></label>

 background-color : red;

<label class="resetbuttons for="..." ...><input type="reset"... /></label>

    background-color : blue;


Taco Fleur wrote:

Yes, but that would the same as assigning a class to the submit button.

Anyway, thanks for the input - answer: it can't be done yet;-))

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