Title: RE: [WSG] ordered list for events

thanks everyone!
in response to a few of those questions:

Gary wrote:
>>I realise you have said you want to keep it as a simple ordered list - but
>>I am not sure of the reason why.

        glory ;-)
        nah, I guess I'm just getting a real kick out of
        not using tables wherever possible. I still
        use them (tables) every day for anything
        tabular & more complex than this,
        ie: we're still friends ;-)

Scott wrote:
>>why did you use an ol?

        to be honest (and a little embarressed), i didn't
        know any better. there, i said it :)
        i havent used DL's before, but i will be now.

Russ wrote:
>> Many ways to skin a cat. A standard table is acceptable but so is a definition list:
>> http://www.maxdesign.com.au/jobs/css/peterottery.htm

        many, many thanks. that fits my needs exactly
        and i even got a file named after me! ;-)

thanks all, extremely helpful.


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