Sent this message before 10am today, and it seems to have disappeared. Will try again. This and following message.


Can't be bothered trying it

Boy, that sure puts this newbie upstart in his place. :)

but you could float the
image left, leave the other elements non-floated,
block, with left margins equal to the image width.

Thanks for this advice. It's put me on track, even if it's not quite right. So the trick is to make the dt and dd display as block level elements? It looks as though I was going overboard with floats.

View it here:

(Clearing the dl triggers a bug in IE5 Mac in which floats wrongly inherit the 'clear' setting from their containing elements, making it impossible to sit the text elements alongside the floating dt img. See )

And seriously, folks, is this the wrong place to ask this sort of question, or is the WSG too Olympian for that?


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