Can anyone point me to a resource or let me know if it is possible to have
a two column layout and have one of them fixed when the page is scrolled in
Internet Explorer.

I am aware that "position: fixed" works in CSS 2 supported browsers but IE
doesn't recognise this.

I have seen some javascript API's that do something similar but want to try
and avoid API's if I can.

I have also tried this hack

overflow: hidden;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;

but there is some strange behaviour with the browser scroll bars floating
below the content and the browser scrollbars now appear when the page is

I also looked at "left: expression(document.body.scrollLeft + offsetWidth -
offsetWidth + 625);" and the equivalent "top" property for IE browsers but
the div still flickers.

So if anyone has any other suggestions that would be great.

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
David Marsh

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