Mike - hilarious! I freaked out there for a sec!!

Never fear, there a plenty of sites online that I hate and loathe too. Todd Dominey and whatdoiknow.org - the guy is a sensitive designer AND can program (it makes me sick!) ... www.jasonsantamaria.com ... damn, I've had that idea for ages and he goes and does it perfectly! Well, I could go on and on ... there's always someone better out there. And if you really want a kick in the face, just pick up a design annual. Argh!

BTW, I was designing for many years before I started making sites - that helps. Back in college I had stuff like using white space etc. pounded into us. For inspiration, look at traditional design as well as other websites.

Thanks mate! It's a great pleasure to give someone else the same reaction I always have! ;)

On 12/03/2004, at 3:54 PM, Michael Kear wrote:

Oh, not because you did a rotten job in my opinion.  On the contrary, it’s so good it reminds me of my own shortcomings in the artistic/design department.   Every time I look at a nicely designed site, I say to myself  “DAMN!  I wish I’d have thought of that!”   The colours are all subtle where mine more resemble a bull in a china shop.  You use white space where I couldn’t bear to see it – I’d be sticking stuff in there and ruining the whole look.   The header – a single non-focussed image and a simple text label – I love that but I wouldn’t have thought of it in a million years.  And that makes me mad

You’ve done a really good job and you should be proud of it.   I wish I had it in my portfolio!

Now I’m going to pull up the design for the radio station I’m working on and try again – more subtle this time Michael!!
Universal Head 
Design That Works.

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