
The site works well on the Mac and all links worked. It's nicely done; informational and functional. If I had a comment to the design, is would be that some of the pages have a lot of white space from lack of content. Since there are so many headings, why not propose to consolidate the links with little content on one informational page and thus making it easier for the users to find content. Just my thoughts.


On Monday, March 15, 2004, at 11:10 AM, Ryan Christie wrote:

This is also a new site, and I would appreciate any issues or comments about the accessibility or layout, etc. All pages are validated XHTML Trans and the CSS checks too :) The names of the sections/links may sound quite odd, but the client has requested those specific names (aka, can't change them).

site: http://www.theward.net/psyc
css: http://www.theward.net/psyc/css/general.css

Ryan Christie

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