Maxine Sherrin wrote:

> Have just started major site overhaul at ...
> 1. I want people to be able to read the text on my page, but I also
> want it to look stylish and not bulky....

You don't know whether it looks bulky to me until you look at my PC
display. If it looks bulky to you, then your browser default text size
is too big.

> 2. What degree of increase in text size must my layout be able to cope
> with? I know some designs can cope with any increase, eg

Fonts on both are too small, and neither have a css signature for
regular visitors to use to override by default. 

If you use a 100% base to start with, you dispense with the need for
your page to be complicated by yet another zoom feature. In most cases,
the visitor's browser already has one they don't need to relearn for
your page, which they don't need when you use 100%.
> How acceptable is it to fix the font size in navbars?, as is done here

Awful. How are high resulution display users supposed to use that? (1600x1200)
Do you see the problems here? 1-smaller than the urlbar text; 2-low
"Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist only
a day! No, no, man was made for immortality."
                                        President Abraham Lincoln

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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