I have gotten the background image part figured out (Kudos to Jeremy for the

So now I am down to centering a box fluidly on the page so that its content
will display over the centered baackground regardless of screen size and the
footer will be relative to the bottom of the content box.

Simple things get so hard sometime :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: theGrafixGuy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:52 PM
Subject: [WSG] Centering one box in the center of the page with a footer


I am trying to figure out how to do the following and am doing little more
than making my brain hurt.

I want a box with a background image centered on the page (left right is
easy enough) but I also want it to be centered top and bottom as well as
this will be the intro page for the site.

The idea is to get the single run of the background image to display dead
center of the page regardless of the screen res of the visitor (the image is
sized so that a 800x600 viewer fits nicely) On top of this background image
will be some text and an enter button. The footer will contain a photo
credit and copyright and ride just below the background image - centered
left-right and relative to the main box with the background.

Any ideas?


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