Cheryl Perkins wrote:

What can I say? The surgeon who hired me insisted on red. I think he'd
have liked it entirely in red. I actually offered a couple different
colour schemes in blues and greens, which happen to be my favourite
colours, but there was no interest in them at all.

I know it's difficult with clients, but you're building a site for the users, not a single person. It's very nice that your client prefers red (probably because he's up to his arms in that colour all day), but what message is it sending out to the users? The thing to do is go back to your original spec and look at the goals you're client set for the job. Then you need to discuss the colour scheme in terms of those goals and not his personal preference. Golden rule. Ban subjectivity from the decision making process.

I'm going to try out some of the changes in the shades of red suggested by
other posters, though,

Andy Budd

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