Hi Barbara,
For starters, you might remove the min-width from your #id's.  Those will
keep the page from being as liquid as possible, which you said you want.  I
realize you don't want images in your #rh-col to overlap or be crunched
somehow, but if you target your whole layout to fit a minimum width (say,
760px) rather than specifying a min width in the CSS, you shouldn't have a

In other words, check your page on smaller resolutions to make sure content
isn't overlapping or breaking rather than trying to set a minimum width.

To get your #navcontainer and #rh-col to line up at the top, adjust the
#navcontainer's top:115px; attribute and/or the #h-col's top margin until
they meet up.

Looks like you are getting close!

Will Chatham
Ingles Markets

828.669.2941 - ext.534

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