Hey there Gary,
there's just a small problem with the way your structring your background image for the left hand column. For help go here:

Faux columns - by Dan Cederhom
btw - your images and colours look very familiar. A lot like a site I posted to the group for feedback a while back:
If you're going to use the same guff - at least change the name of the images to protect the innocent:
Ben Webster
Conversant Studios
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Greer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:43 PM
Subject: [WSG] IE hiding text

> I'm working on http://metropolis.muprivate.edu.au/index.php?id=456 -
> it's going to be our intranet.
> Looking at it in Firefox, it looks fine, but in IE the menu on the left
> appears but is then overwritten by the background image on the container
> div.
> Does any one have any suggestions?
> gary

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