On 5/19/04 9:56 PM "Universal Head" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent this out:

> I've just finished a simple site that is perfect in
> WIN - NN 7, IE 5.01, IE 5.5, IE 6
> MAC - Safari 1.2.1, Mozilla 1.4, IE 5.2
> And a friend looks it in on Mac IE 5 and finds a big problem.
> My question is, do you draw the line or not? Do I spend more time time trying
> to track down this one dumb version number browser's problem, or do I just say
> it's not worth it?

For me it would depend on what the problem is and whether there's a known
fix or workaround, keeping to standards of course! :-)

Perhaps a tweak of the design could bypass the problem (whatever it is)


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