You'd be better off buying a cheap mac to test on. The PearPC thing is full of bugs and slower than a dead turtle (talk about slow!). From what I've seen, it 1/500th the speed of your current processor.

On May 20, 2004, at 04:42, Ralph wrote:

Hi all..

I hope this is not too off topic..

But I came across a project on SourceForge called "PearPC" (URL: ) which seems to allow MacOS to run
on x86 (and posix)..

For some time I been wondering how I can get Safari (or any other Mac
browser) to work on a x86.. I'd really like to hear from anyone who has been
able to get it to work.. Or at least thinking of trying...

If you wish to reply, feel free to reply off-list to my address...



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