Here's an interesting article on the implications for a web development shop
on using web standards for development rather than the antique table-based
methods we all used to use.   This author compares the time taken to develop
a site then and now, after changing to using standards. 

If this doesn't convince a web professional to take a serious look at these
standards nothing will.

Some people are interested in accessibility issues.  Others are interested
in standards.  Others are interested in faster sites.   But if I said "I
have a revolutionary technique that will reduce the time and therefore the
cost of building a web site to a THIRD of what it probably takes now," you'd
be interested.  If you thought this claim had any credibility you'd be very
interested indeed or you wouldn't deserve to be in business.

Here's someone else corroborating what I've been saying for months now.

Mike Kear
AFP Webworks
Windsor, NSW, Australia

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