Hi guys,

I'm in the middle of designing a site for a client, and I decided to have a go 
at a 100% tableless layout. It's the first one I've done with this level of 
complexity, and it's been... interesting. :) I've got most of it working as I 
want it, and am waiting on the logo and main header graphic from a friend of 
mine, but there is this on piece that is driving me up the wall.

If you look at the site (url below) you will probably notice a yellow box on 
the lef-hand side that is looking pretty odd. What I want is to give it rounded 
corners to match the other two elements above it. As you can see, it's not 

I've had a look at the Custom Corners II article on A List Apart, which deals 
with putting rounded corners over gradient backgrounds. I tried to do what he 
said. It failed miserably, so I took it all out again.

So can someone please have a look at my code and suggest ways that I can do 
this? I'd really like to get this sorted out soon, so I can show the client and 
get his opinion sooner rather than later.

The page is at:
The css is at:
My brain is at:

In a completely unrelated issue, I've validated the page and I'm left with a 
handful of javascript errors. The javascript comes from the "Son of Suckerfish" 
menu that was brought up on this list recently. Has anyone else had problems 
making this validate? More importantly, has anyone managed to make it validate? 
Or should I just accept that as long as there's no markup errors it's good 


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