> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faaberg
> On 7/2/04 7:31 PM "Chris Stratford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent this out:
> > I am just writing because I have been wondering if there is a
> better way of
> > styling text.
> > Since <B><U><I> etc... are all outlawed and now depreciated...
> > How do you style your inner <P> text?
> And here I thought someone just the other day said <B><U><I> were
> still okay
> (not depricated).

It depends which DTD you are referencing as to whether they are deprecated
or not, but <U> is definitely deprecated in everything from HTML4 onwards.
And <B> and <I> are deprecated for future compatibility because they belong
in "Font Style Elements", which are all deprecated, as CSS should be used
for these.

<STRONG> and <EM> are "Phrase Elements", so if a user agent is following the
specifications properly, when a screen reader reads a <B> of an <I> Element
it wouldn't do anything, but when it reads <STRONG> and <EM>, it should
indicate their inflection or meaning.  So the visual display qualities are
the same, but to none visual agents, because of the Element type, they are
understood differently.

If you are in the habit of hand coding with <B> and <I> and find <STRONG>
and <EM> long hand, just code <B> and <I>, but make sure you have and use a
tool like HTML Tidy to transform them on save
(http://tidy.sourceforge.net/).  You'll find it built into many tools as
well.  JTidy is even an important component of Cocoon XML Publishing.


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