On Jul 20, 2004, at 12:23 pm, Ben Cameron wrote:

I have been trying to get a link to underline and change colour when
tabbed to. I succeeded in getting the link to change colour when tabbed
over, but try as I might, it won't underline it. I've tried all the
normal methods with text-decoration:underline and different link pseudo
class orders. Also, I can't find a way of removing the bold when tabbed

a:focus { /* for IE mac, Safari (Panther), Gecko */............} a:hover {.........} a:active { /* works in IE6 */..................}

<mild rant>
The only browser that fails on this is Opera 7.5. Opera has implemented it's own scheme for a:focus, using SystemColors to highlight the link that has focus (when using keyboard navigation). Fine with me, at least they try to do something. The only problem is: I can't control the systemcolors on a users machine, and my style sheet doesn't override the (default) settings in Opera in this. Assume a moment: my background colour is the same as the highlight colour on the users machine....
(at least Opera7.52 on my Mac doesn't react on my settings for a:focus; I tried with borders, colour, background,........).
</mild rant>
Philippe Wittenbergh
now live : <http://emps.l-c-n.com/>
code | design | web projects : <http://www.l-c-n.com/>
IE5 Mac bugs and oddities : <http://www.l-c-n.com/IE5tests/>

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