El mié, 11-08-2004 a las 13:48, Lee Roberts escribió:
> There is no requirement that the H1 be the first thing on
> the page.  There is a requirement that if heading tags be
> used that the H1 be the first heading tag used on the
> page.  You can find that spelled out in the HTML Mobile
> standards, the ISO standards and in the WCAG 1.0
> Checkpoint 3.5 Guidelines.

Thanks Lee, it sure helps. In fact i had my brain kind of turned off
because of course i use often some elements before the h1, like
container divs etc... But i guess i've been thinking of the header/logo
as h1 of the page for so long that i felt weird for a while putting
actual content before that.  I can now see it is perfectly logical if
the content doesn't fall into the h1 content-domain.

Thanks again

   Manuel trabaja para Simplelógica, construcción web
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