Hey Gang,

Sorry for going a little OT, but I'm sure this is of interest to heaps of you...

I'm sitting here ummming and ahhhing over interface designs for complex forms here at 3am (yes, workaholic), and I thought to myself "it'd be great if I could just email this screen grab to my peers for some quick feedback".

I don't know if we need a full-on group/list (although I certainly can create one on my server), but at the very least, I thought a handful of you might be interested in a "mini group" for quickly bouncing ideas of each other. Nothing to full-on, no 20-paragraph rants, minimal code, just quick questions/screengrabs/replies to do with interface design and usability.

If there's a demand for such a list or group (even just 5 people who don't mind CC'ing each other), please email me off-list with the subject "interface group", and I'll see what I can do.

--- Justin French http://indent.com.au

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