Hi Joshua,

try wrapping the abn in <p>.

#footer {clear: both;}
#footer p {float:left;}
#footer ul {float: right;}
#footer li {display:inline;}


On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 11:49:01 +1000, Joshua Street
> Hi all.  I'm trying to do something which I know is easy with tables, but of course, 
> that's not my first preference.  Basically, it's a footer line with an ABN number 
> (for non-Australians, a business registration number) on the left, and an unordered 
> list on the right with validation links, an accessibility policy link, etc.
> I want it to look like this:
>  _________________________________________________________________________
> |ABN 72797798055                              |XHTML|CSS|Accessibility|Top|
> |_________________________________________________________________________|
> Markup currently goes:
> <div id="footer">ABN 72797798055
>  <ul id="standardsline">
>    <li><a href="http://validator.w3c.org/check/referer";>XHTML</a></li>
>    <li><a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer";>CSS</a></li>
>    <li><a href="/accessibility/">Accessibility</a></li>
>    <li><a href="#body" title="Back to top">Top</a></li>
>  </ul>
> </div>
> And the CSS:
> #footer {clear:both;text-align:left;}
> #standardsline {float:right;display:inline;}
> #standardsline li {display:inline;list-style-type:none;}
> I've stripped irrelevant (presentation aside from layout) CSS from that, and the 
> display:inline in #standards line is probably unnecessary -- That's just me trying 
> to get it to work.
> Currently, it's displaying like this:
>  _________________________________________________________________________
> |ABN 72797798055                                                          |
> |_____________________________________________|XHTML|CSS|Accessibility|Top|
> which sucks.  Well, not completely, but it's not how I want it to look.
> Any suggestions?
> Joshua Street
> base10solutions

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