> On 07/10/2004, at 10:07 AM, Geoff Deering wrote:
> > The reason being that if you are not closing all your tags it
> > can become a guessing game for the parser where the CSS declaration
> > may end
> > in various parts of the document.
> >
> > It always strikes me that when using HTML4 you are at the mercy of the
> > arbitoriness of the parser.
> There is nothing to stop us writing "well-formed" HTML. Elements which
> have optional closing tags are just that - optional.

I agree with everything you have said, but.. in complex designs, take out
the end tags and that's exactly what you leave the parser to do... guess.
Are there any parsers out there you explicitly trust to get it right every
time?  I don't.  They may well do, but they are still guessing if there are
no end tags.  I'm much more happy to explicitly declare my design than have
parsers guessing at what I've designed, the performance trade off is not so

Now go into the area of accessibility, how are you going to tell all sorts
of user agents and devices the full semantic meaning of the markup.  What
about when aural.css becomes mature?  Will complex document in HTML4 be as
exact as those following XML syntax?  In my view, you cannot fully mark up
documents with a trusted explicit semantic fullness without and XML
definition.  The border here might be small, but it's small enough for one
definition to allow for best of interpretation and the other an explicit

Geoff Deering

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