Clayton Lengel-Zigich wrote:
That is a good point, however is there an instance where the two would
not appear to be linked when viewing the page? (e.g. a screen reader
or something)
Ok, aside from any automated harvesting tools or whatever, consider the scenario of a screenreader user who skips from paragraph to paragraph, and ends up on the second paragraph of this

<p><cite>Harry S. Truman</cite> said,
<q lang="en-us">The buck stops here.</q></p>
<p>He then also said <q>something else entirely</q>.</p>

Now, assuming that the screenreader flags up that "something else entirely" is actually a quote, it still can't (programmatically) determine what source it's being cited from. The user will, if interested, start reading around the <q> element, but still not find out who the quote is from, and will have to - in the worst case - read the entire document top to bottom until stumbling across the <cite>.

In this case, rather than the LABEL/FOR attribute idea, you'd probably want something more like the headers attribute in tables (or in general something more akin to classes that can be reused).

Admittedly, you may not encounter this type of scenario often, and it's maybe an extreme case I'm talking about, but still...something that just nags at me ;)

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |

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