On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 11:42:32 +1000, Michael Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> True, Patrick,  it's not a teaching tool.  But you do need to be able to
> find out what is correct if it says it's wrong.

It is not a teaching tool. Using any tool you must have an idea what
it is doing.
That means if validator checks document for conformance with
specification and DTD
you should know them both.

> As it is, it's a bit like when your dad whacked you as a kid for doing
> something wrong.  You wailed "what was that for?" and he says "you did
> something wrong - something to do with your clothes." and he wont tell you
> that you should have picked your clothes up off the bathroom floor after
> your shower.  In my book that's poor parenting, and I think it would be a
> very simple task for W3C to add a link to the correct syntax somewhere in
> that validator tool.

Well, validator is not your dad it is your tax inspection.

You had a link to document describing correct syntax. That very same
"general document". To be more precise:
"4.2. Element and attribute names must be in lower
case"(http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.2 ) and  "4.5. Attribute
Minimization" (http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.5).

I can see any need to repeat it for every attribute XHTML describes.
Those are general rules and apply to all attributes.

> Now another possibility is that I couldn't see a link to the correct syntax
> that was right there in front of my face.   Well after searching the
> validator results page for 30 minutes I couldn't see it, and if there was
> such a link, it's not very well designed.   It ought to be obvious.
> So ... where DO I find a reference document showing the correct syntax for
> XHTML tags?

Try this section: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#dtds.
It provides links to DTD's, which describe what you want.
Warning: DTDs may be more difficult to read and understand, so I
suggest to read the spec first.

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