Hi Steven
I believe this is the paper you are looking for.  I included the Dublin Core to 
prepare our site for future search engines.  I hope SEO benefits will be an added 
bonus.  It looks like this paper illustrates the added bonus aspect.

Has anyone else begun using the dublin core metadata on their sites?

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven C. Perkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] dublin core and search engines


Actually there is an academic study of the use of DC metatags on web 
pages and the ranks of those pages in search engine results.  I am 
searching for the citation and will send it when I find it.  

The basic answer is it depends on the search engine, but in the majority 
of cases, it did raise the rank of the page.  In one instance it 
decreased the rank.  I don't remember if the exact metadata was given, so 
I can't say if the decrease was a result of poor choice of metatags.  I'd 
use them.


Steven C. Perkins

On 25 Oct 2004 at 11:41, Ted Drake wrote:

Date sent:              Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:41:58 -0700
From:                   Ted Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [WSG] dublin core and search engines
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I hope this isn't off topic. But I figured the Dublin Core was standards
> based and so I'm throwing it out there.
> Our company hired an SEO company to help get better search results. They
> gave the standard answers with page names, titles, descriptions, as well
> as the wink/nod use these alt tags, comment tags, your not supposed to do
> this but do it anyway suggestions.  I convinced everyone to do things
> correctly, i.e. alt tags. 
> I also initiated the dublin core metatags.
> The SEO company doesn't know what the dublin core is.  They are covering
> their butts because we didn't get the immediate boost that some members in
> our company expected. The SEO company is pointing to our dublin core
> metatags as if they may be at fault. 
> Here's my question:  Does anyone know if dublin core metatags can hurt SEO
> rankings?  I'd really appreciate any stories, blogs, or research that
> could give us an answer.  I'm thinking the engines that ignore metatags
> will continue to ignore the dublin core and those that do pay attention
> will give us credit for them.
> What are your opinions?  Is anyone else using them?
> Ted
> www.csatravelprotection.com
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