> especially on small screen real estate. My biggest problem with it is the
> depth of the submenus, how easy it is to slip off a menu 3 layers deep and
> lose your place and the fact that the menus don't remain visible for a few
> seconds after mousing off them.

I think that's a big flaw in those menus in particular, that you don't
'remember' where you are after you've clicked on a link. What I've done is
either use breadcrumbs to show location, OR use a common piece of code for
the navigation that you can use to update the link images to reflect where
you are (to "stick", essentially).

> I'm looking for a review of the navigation along with opinions and
> suggestions, within the following constraints:
> 1. This site is templated via a single master template in DW. I would
> prefer
> NOT to have to use more than the one template for the site, as it will
> exponentially increase my workload with each additional section/template.

Understand that, but you might end up being happier if you replaced the
template with some common code include navigation so you have more

I think the site looks great, but I prefer some sort of visual indicator
on the individual menu items to indicate that there is additional content

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