> I've done this site and having a couple of problems. The 2 boxes Making
> a donation and Applying for a grant are supposed to be side by side but
> I can't seem to get them to do this. I copied the code from a similar
> layout on positioneverything website, any ideas?

Hi there, 

You have a number of problems on a PC including on Firefox

Fixing the code errors is usually the best place to start   <li><a
href="#">About us</a>  doen't have a closing <li>  for instance,   and
 <img src="images/arrow.gif" alt="#" width="15" height="13" border="0"
align="texttop" />    texttop isn't a valid attribute, and border and
alignment should be handled in the style sheet, not as img attributes,
and last there's a </BR> - which should be <br />.  These won't fix
your problems, but it's always a good start.  The errors cascade too.

1) the lines in the left "menu"  (#menu ul li) stretch past your
background into "main"  in both IE 6 (win xp) and Fierfox 1.0   A
quick fix would be giving it a width of about 134px, but it's probably
not the best solution since you'll get variants.

2)  In Firefox the "left" and "right" section aren't side by side. 
They have space around them so appear indented into the "tellow"
background,  and don't fit side by side, so "right" drops down.  (by
the way - I recommend a better naming convention that's more

html>body .right {margin-right: 12px; } /*** IE doubles the margin on
the float. This sets
                                        the margin to the correct width for 
others ***/

 and the same for .left 

 is being read by firefox and  giving the extra space and forcing the
sections to not display next to each other.

In IE6 - the sub titles <h4>'s  "Ways to give " and "Applying for a
grant "  are dropped down. I didn't look at what's causing this, just
wanted to let you know.

For login here and Donate now - there are several issues.  SInce
they're wrapped in <h4>'s  you are telling them to be on separate
lines.   Removing those would allow them to be side by side if there
was enough space for them to be.    Trying setting them in a <p> with
a style for a smaller font - but wrap all of it in the single tag, not
two <p> tags.

I hope some of this helps.   

Susan R. Grossman
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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