Hey there everyone

Long time listener first time poster (with a question anyway). Here goes...
I am having difficulty styling what should be a simple bulletted list in Firefox and Opera. IE is strangely displaying what I want. Unfortunately I can't upload the page (it does validate) but the CSS styles go
#detail-tile ul {margin-top:1em;}
#detail-tile li {list-style-type:circle; display:block; list-style-position:inside;}

the html goes
<div id="detail-tile">
<li>Quisque diam enim, semper quis,</li>
<li>eleifend vestibulum,</li>
<li>euismod pulvinar, est</li>
<li>Cum sociis natoque p</li>

I have universally set styles for ul and li but changing these hasn't made any difference. Is there something really simple that I am missing?

Thanks in advance

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