A little padding might do the job..

On 11/11/2004 7:31:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi everyone
> www.mwg.green.net.au/testpages/mwgindex.html
> Have just discovered that the main page does not look good at a
> resolution of 1024x768. I have been working in 800x600. One problem is
> the background image in the header stopping too short and being
> replaced by the background color (I could perhaps change the background
> color to white so that this is not noticeable) but the main issue is
> the length of the page.
> In 800x600 the page fills the screen so that practically no vertical
> scrolling is required. I wanted the navbar to be completely visible at
> all times so haven't got a lot of content elsewhere on the page. The
> subsequent pages are not a problem as they will have lots of content and
> so fill the screen vertically. However, the main page stops about
> halfway down in 1024x768 which looks awful.
> Is there any way around this? I have been reading up on various
> solutions including js about which I know nothing and am hoping for a
> simple fix. LOL
> Thanks
> Lyn
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