Jeroen Visser [ vizi ] wrote:
> 'px' is the worst unit to define
> font size in, as Internet Explorer still cannot increase or decrease the
> size of fonts set in pixels.

pt is worse. IE can't resize it either, and it depends on both DPI and
resolution, not just resolution, making its ultimate size even more
difficult to predict.

> Common accessibility and usability practice
> is to allow visitors the freedom to adapt font sizing to their personal
> preferences.

I don't think common is the best choice of word for that sentence,
unless you take the word common to mean something merely more than rare.
It really isn't that common yet except among students of accessible
design. Best or good would be better choices.
> Pixels are not a relative unit; they're as absolute for screen rendering
> as point sizes are for the printing press.

IOW, the problem is that px is not relative to anything inside a browser
viewport, the only place the term relative has relevant meaning in the
world of CSS. Unfortuately, the CSS spec makes people think px is a
relative unit :-(
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