Hi JuliÃn,

We have issues in New Zealand with words in MÄori.  In government we
are required to use macrons to indicate a long vowel sound in MÄori
words.  The way we do it is to use UTF-8 as the document character set
encoded in 7-bit ASCII.  More info is available here:

For older/non-utf-8 capable browsers there are a couple of server
components that translates them back to the nearest ASCII character.
(http://tinyurl.com/3vw5v) although I think these only work for the 5
vowels.  They are GPL licenced so I guess they could be extended if
you needed


On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 17:51:09 -0300, JuliÃn Landerreche
> Hi all,
> my name is JuliÃn, i'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
> I have read this great tutorial
> (http://www.w3.org/International/tutorials/tutorial-char-enc/)
> recommended by WSG . The article makes things more clearly to me, but
> not totally..
> I feel this topic (choosing encoding and using special characters) is a
> difficult one to be understood by newbies in standards (as I am) and not
> newbies.
> But I think itÂs a bit difficult for me, because I write in spanish, so
> I usually need to use special characters like Ã, Ã or Ã.
> I have choose to use the ISO-8859-1 as charset for my webpages.
> And I use to code special characters with html entity references.
> Example:
> Ã = &eacute; Ã = &uacute; Ã = &ntilde; etc.
> Well, let me ask a few questions:
> 1) Question: Is there a way to use special characters directly in the code?
> I would like to use directly à or à or Ã, and not to code them as html
> entities references.
> Hey, dont think I'm a lazy boy: just suppose this situation: if I have a
> blog, I cannot expect that people (who post comments on my blog) knows
> how to use html entities referencies.
> Surely, they will prefer to type the special characters (Ã, Ã, Ã).
> I wont like that if they use special characters in a post, then the post
> cant correctly displayed (i.e. by showing those weird characters like
> the black "?" or "ÃÂ" or "ÃÂ" ...)
> 2) I have seen a lot of webpages that directly use the special character
> and dont code them as html entities. This pages are displayed correctly.
> Question: Is this a good or bad practice (to use special characters in
> code, instead of entities)?
> 3. In Google results, I found that those special characters arent always
> correctly displayed.
> Example: my webpage title in a two Google searchs result.
> i). "servicio tÃÂcnico especializado para mÃÂsicos"  (buuuu!)
> a. encoding: UTF-8
> b. charset: ISO-8859-1
> (from a page managed by Textpattern)
> ii). servicio tÃcnico especializado para mÃsicos
> a. encoding: ISO-5-8859-1
> b. charset: ISO-8859-1
> (from a page managed by other script, or from hardcoded pages)
> Question:  Is there a way to force or override the encoding (not the
> charset) directly from the page code?
> I think that my textpattern managed pages should have ISO-8850-1 encoding.
> (This is a question I also must do in textpattern forums, because I dont
> know why pages managed by TXP have UTF-8 encoding, as there isnt any any
> line in my whole site headers that shows "utf-8")
> 3. If I change to UTF-8...
> a. wich are the advantages / disvantages?
> b. I have test it in few of my pages -> all special characters (not
> encoded as entities) are incorrectly displayed... yucks!
> ------------------------------------------
> Well, I think that's all, just to start.
> I would like to read more resources about encoding and charset, and also
> read experiences from the people of this list.
> Y tambiÃn me gustarÃa leer experiencias de gente que habla (y escribe
> pÃginas) en espaÃol, Âhay alguien en la lista?
> Gracias a todos! Thank you! Excuse my poor english!
> JuliÃn Landerreche
> Buenos Aires, Argentina
> www.midi-midi.com.ar (not finished yet)
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