Hi Ted

Validating the source sorts out the problem. There's a missing <img> end tag, several & that need to be &amp; and some type="text/javascript" missing from <script> elements. Adding those fixes the strange behaviour.

Interestingly, the source as it stands causes IE to break if you try resizing text with View | Text Size.


Ted Drake wrote:

I'm stuck on a strange behavior with IE.
For some reason, on only a few of our pages, the title of one of our form inputs will wrap and parts of the title will repeat.
Yeah, it's not the greatest description. Here's a sample page, naturally it looks fine in ff.
I want to think that it is something in the main body that is throwing it off, but I can't find it yet, I'd appreciate any help.

here's a page that is acting up: http://www.csavg40.com/csa/sitemap-cheap-travel-insurance.do
Notice the title for initial trip deposit date and how sit date is repeated underneath the original mention. The extra sit date is not in the code.

Are there any Poirot's out there that can ferret out the offending code?

Ted Drake

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